Australian Geoscience Council Inc.

34th IGC Travel Grant Scheme

Geoscience Grants I 34th IGC Travel Grant Scheme

34th International Geological Congress Travel Grant Scheme for Early-Career Australian and New Zealand Geoscientists


Specific funding is available to provide Australian and New Zealand geoscientists in the early stages of their careers with opportunities to travel internationally to further their careers as geoscientists by, for example, undertaking field work in appropriate areas, visiting and working with appropriate international experts, inspecting appropriate mines or other geoscientific features such as type localities, contributing to, as distinct from passively attending, professionally-organised geoscientific conferences or conventions, etc. Some history of volunteer contributions to the AGC or its Member Organisations will be viewed positively by the selection panel. This grant is not for domestic travel. Read about previously-awarded Travel Grants.

Applications close at the end of September each year for grants in the following year.

You can apply through the online form here

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Information on how to apply and previous recipients is included below.

The anticipated value of each grant will be up to $5,000 and is intended to cover all or part of the cost of the proposed travel (including travel expenses, conference registration, and related meals and accommodation).

The travel destination is not critical, but should be one of recognized value for developing the applicant’s career in Geoscience and one where the participant’s personal safety will not be at risk.

Applications are made via this editable form. Applications are now open and successful applicants will be notified prior to the end of the year following the September deadline. Applications with special circumstances may be considered at other times. Due to the limited funds available, not all applications can be approved. Preference will be given to those adding the most professional development value to their trip e.g. by presenting papers, giving talks to local Geoscience technical gatherings, engaging with local researchers to expand your research, field trips etc.  The selection panel may approve the full amount sought by an applicant, or may negotiate with the candidate to award a lesser amount.


The Scheme is open to practicing geoscientists resident in Australia or New Zealand who hold a degree in geoscience (or equivalent). Those eligible to receive grants under the Scheme should generally be no older than 35 years, or within 10 years of receiving a PhD or commencing industry/government employment. Career interruptions, for example parental leave, will be taken into account. In order to demonstrate a commitment to the geoscience discipline and to reinforce the credentials of the applicant, applicants are required to have been a member of a geoscience society affiliated with the Australian Geoscience Council for at least 12 months.

  1. A summary CV (of 2 to 3 pages), emailed with your application if <10 Mb or saved to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or equivalent and a linked to in the online application form. Your CV should indicate your employment history, if any, since graduation, including names of supervisors at each position. Include information on career interruptions, if applicable.
  2. Details of your membership of a Geoscience society affiliated with AGC (noting the requirement for at least one year of membership)
  3. Estimated costs for airfares, other travel, accommodation, travel insurance, visas, etc.
  4. A maximum 3000-character statement of intended use of funds and anticipated benefits of attending this event.

The early-career geoscientists who are awarded a Travel Grant must agree to use the funding for the purposes specified and to provide a reconciliation of expenditure (including original receipts) and a written report of one-to-two A4 pages (including photo) suitable for publication in the newsletters of geoscientific societies and/or on the AGC or AAS websites and to acknowledge AGC/AAS support. The awardee must also agree to acknowledge the AGC/AAS support in any publication on work arising from the award.


Queries can be addressed to

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