Australian Geoscience Council Inc.

2017 Recipients of the 34th IGC Travel Grant

Geoscience Grants I 2017 Recipients of the 34th IGC Travel Grant

The Australian Geoscience Council and the Australian Academy of Science take pleasure in announcing the recipients of the 2017 round of the 34th IGC Travel Grants listed below and congratulate these talented geoscientists in their outstanding aspirations to advance geoscience knowledge and understanding through their endeavours.

Lab visit to the University of Gothenburg to continue development of a new precision-dating method for shales. The method has relevance to the exploration of the Australia’s large sedimentary basins through proper characterization of the internal architecture and stratigraphic framework of complex depositional systems.

Sampling of unaltered basal lavas at Olympic Dam for mineralogical and petrological studies aimed at improving models for their genesis, plus collaborative visits to the University of Adelaide and the Geological Survey of South Australia.

Travel to a Tectonics and Surface Processes workshop in the US and a research visit to the University of Kansas aimed at further developing a quantitative understanding of the long-term geological controls on deltaic deposits, plus partial funding to attend the AGC Convention as a co-convenor for a session “Understanding basin formation and evolution from a plate-tectonic perspective”.

Visit to the USGS to work on effective monitoring of volcano hazard and to establish baselines for future monitoring of surface deformation in PNG using InSAR, a cost-effective tool under-utilised in Australia for monitoring geohazards, mine-site integrity, coastal subsidence and wide range of other anthropogenic issues.

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