Australian Geoscience Council Inc.

National Geoscience Champions

Geoscience In Australia I National Geoscience Champions

The Australian Geoscience Council (AGC) is pursuing our Vision to raise the profile of Geoscience to be pre-eminent in Australia and to be recognised as one of the great fields of general science with Physics, Chemistry and Biology. As part of this Vision, the AGC has instigated an award for National Geoscience Champions that will be made on behalf of AGC’s eight member organisations who represent over 8 000 geoscientists around Australia. The award is modelled on the concept of a Hall Of Fame for geoscientists who are not otherwise recognised (yet) as National Living Treasures. This honour will be bestowed on very few Geoscientists and will recognise lifetime contributions to our science, craft and art, evidenced by technical, leadership, mentoring and collegial endeavours.

Current National Geoscience Champions

Peter has been a significant individual contributor to the understanding of the key sedimentary basins of Australia. Of particular note was his early promotion and application of what is now termed petroleum systems analysis to the Gippsland Basin. Although it’s now more than 30 years since this this work was first published, it still remains a cornerstone study of the basin.

He has been involved in several initiatives to promote the Geosciences and Geoscience education in the wider community, particularly in WA. He is passionate advocate of the importance of Geoscience to the Australian economy and way of life.

He has made a matchless contribution to the addition of known petroleum resources both onshore and offshore Australia. His individual contributions have improved the wider understanding of the subsurface and laid solid foundations for the success that followed. As a
technical manager, he has overseen projects around the world that have had a material impact on the companies he working for.


Simon has made an immeasurable contribution to advancing Geoscience in Australia as an academic, industry geologist or leading field courses for people at all levels of professional development. He willingly explains key geological concepts in terms that can be understood and with a sometimes mischievous sense of  humour. He is ready to share his knowledge with anyone who asks and was an important part of the skills development programs at Woodside. He has published extensively and there is always something of importance in his papers.

He has made important contributions to the teaching and practice of Geoscience in the international arena and he is recognised as a leading Australian subject  matter expert in sedimentology and stratigraphy.

Simon has contributed to the development of Australia’s resources through his unparalleled knowledge of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the key prospective basins. His ideas and geological models have been influenced successful exploration and appraisal programs, while his critical review and encouragement of the work of others has had a significant impact.


In recognition of her contribution to Geoscience in Australia, Marita Bradshaw has been selected as a National Geoscience Champion by the Australian Geoscience Council.

Marita Bradshaw is a leading petroleum geologist who has worked tirelessly in developing and providing relevant, high-quality data and analysis for the oil and gas industry. She has made significant contributions to Australian geology by developing the Australian petroleum systems framework and by building new understanding of the petroleum geology of the southern margin, North West Shelf and Lord Howe Rise.

Marita is an effective and engaging communicator, as well as a highly-regarded mentor and educator. She is an outstanding role model for industry -government cooperation for the betterment of Australia. Her enthusiasm, passion, and commitment have helped promote Australia’s oil and gas potential both nationally and internationally, and have especially helped in the search for new petroleum provinces in the country’s offshore sedimentary basins.

In recognition of his contribution to Geoscience in Australia, David G roves has been selected as a National Geoscience Champion by the Australian Geoscience Council.David Groves is a pre-eminent Australian academic economic geologist. He passionately harnesses the outcomes of research to directly support the discovery of minerals in Australia while instilling in others the importance of the big picture in trying to understand mineral systems. He was at the centre of successful efforts to better understand komatiite nickel deposits in the 1970s and Archean gold deposits in the 1980s and 1990s, effectively leading and inspiring diverse teams of researchers. The results of his research are now embedded in standard mineral industry exploration practice.

Over his 45 year academic career up until 2016, David supervised a remarkable number of students including the successful completion of 91 PhD, 53 MSc and 118 BSc (Honours) degrees. His ideas have inspired and shaped several generations of leading Australian geoscientists.

In recognition of his contribution to Geoscience in Australia, Roy Woodall was unanimously elected as the inaugural National Geoscience Champion in 2015.

Roy’s scientific approach to exploration, coupled with his use of the latest geological techniques, contributed greatly to many significant ore discoveries in Australia. His catalogue of discoveries include the Kambalda nickel field (1966), uranium at Yeelirrie (1971), the Olympic Dam copper-gold-uranium deposit (1975), the St Ives gold field and the East Spar oil-condensate field (1993), together with a large number of other discoveries.

Roy set high scientific standards, ensuring the recording of scientific data and using the best equipment and analytical facilities available at the time, leaving a significant legacy of scientific methodologies and successes. Roy’s standard of training and mentorship of other geoscientists has advanced the capabilities of Australia’s mining and exploration industries and the development of our nation.

Roy Woodall with AGC President, Bill Shaw, following presentation of a plaque recognising AGC’s inaugural National Geoscience Champion. The presentation was made in November 2015 at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC 2015) in Melbourne during the ‘AusIMM Explorers’ Forum – Challenges and Opportunities’, also known as ‘The Woodall Symposium’.

Nomination Process

Nominations for new National Geoscience Champions will be called from time to time. Nominations will be open to those geoscientists who have had a major impact on the advancement of Geoscience through their long and distinguished career as a champion for Geoscience and a role model for geoscientists. Recipients will be awarded lifetime recognition of their work and achievements in advancing Geoscience nationally and internationally. Nominations should include:

  • Name and contact details of Nominators
  • An outline of the nominees Geoscientific career
  • Details of their significant contributions to Geoscience in Australia
  • Details of the impact of their work in Geoscience internationally

Nominations should be concise and not exceed more than 500 words or an A4 page. Please forward succinct, detailed nominations to or

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